April 7, 2024 May the Lord’s will be done

May the Lord’s will be done

Acts 21:1-14; 4/7/2024; BCBC/IOUC; Rev. Paul Wang


Where did Paul stop and pass along the way, and how was the Holy Spirit leading him?   How the Lord’s will is through the guidance of Paul’s life allows us to see the guidance of the Holy Spirit on us.  Let’s look at the first point: Continue reading “April 7, 2024 May the Lord’s will be done”



徒21:1-14; 4/7/2024; BCBC/IOUC; Rev. Paul Wang


保羅一路走來,在哪裡停留、經過哪裡,聖靈是如何帶領的呢?主的旨意是如何藉著對保羅生命的帶領,讓我們看見聖靈對我們的帶領。我們來看第一點: Continue reading “20240407讲道讲章_願主的旨意成就”


主日讲道 经文:使徒行傳Acts 20:13-38



MARCH 31, 2024  Exhortation in Miletus

 Exhortation in Miletus

 Acts 20:13-38; 3/31/2024; BCBC/IOUC; Rev. Paul Wang


The border between Greece and Turkey is very interesting. Almost the entire belly of the Aegean Sea belongs to Greece, and only a small area on the side belongs to Turkey.  The place we are focusing on today is Miletus, a peninsula close to Turkey.  Being on this peninsula was not only a turning point in Paul’s life, but also a staged change in the history of the church.  From this day on, the church entered the days of universal persecution.  Let’s look at the first point: Continue reading “MARCH 31, 2024  Exhortation in Miletus”



徒20:13-38; 3/31/2024; BCBC/IOUC; Rev. Paul Wang


希臘與土耳其之間的邊界很有趣,幾乎愛琴海的整個大肚子都屬於希臘,只有邊邊一小塊海域才屬於土耳其。今天我們所專注的地方米利都,就是個緊貼著土耳其邊上的一個半島。在這個半島上,既是保羅生命的轉捩點,也是教會歷史的一個階段性的變化。從這一天開始,教會進入一個普世性受逼迫的日子。我們看第一點: Continue reading “20240331讲道讲章_米利都的勸勉”


主日讲道 经文:林前 1 Cor. 1:18-30



MARCH 24, 2024 The message of the cross

The message of the cross 

1 Corinthians 1:18-30; 3/24/2024; BCBC/IOUC; Brother Mike Lei


Good morning. Today’s message is “The message of the cross.” You will notice that the Chinese and English titles do not exactly match each other. If the Chinese title matches the English title, it should be: 十字架的信息. The English title is based on the NIV translation. The Chinese title is from the CUV translation. The Chinese title used the words 道理, which can mean the “reasoning or principle.” If we see both the English and Chinese translation, then we can understand that the message of the cross is the reasoning or principle of the cross. Or you can say it’s the logic of the cross. The Greek word used is actually logos, which means is translated in John 1:1 as the Word (道). The Word道 is referring to Jesus.  Before we get too deep, let’s read today’s verses in 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 together in Chinese and English:  Continue reading “MARCH 24, 2024 The message of the cross”



林前1:18-30; 3/24/2024; BCBC/IOUC; 雷鴻弟兄

18因為十字架的道理,在那滅亡的人為愚拙;在我們得救的人,卻為神的大能。19就如經上所記:我要滅絕智慧人的智慧,廢棄聰明人的聰明。 20智慧人在那裡?文士在那裡?這世上的辯士在那裡?神豈不是叫這世上的智慧變成愚拙麼 21世人憑自己的智慧,既不認識神,神就樂意用人所當作愚拙的道理,拯救那些信的人;這就是神的智慧了。  22猶太人是要神蹟,希利尼人是求智慧, 23我們卻是傳釘十字架的基督,在猶太人為絆腳石,在外邦人為愚拙;24但在那蒙召的,無論是猶太人、希利尼人,基督總為神的能力,神的智慧。 25因神的愚拙總比人智慧,神的軟弱總比人強壯。 Continue reading “20240324讲道讲章_十字架的道理”