二零二零年十月四日 主日崇拜程序表

序乐PreludeNothing But the Blood of Jesus潘良光弟兄
Brother David
Sister Melody
宣召Invocation诗篇Psalm 103:2-4,8,10-12,22  高方中传道Minister Flora
信仰告白Creed   高方中传道Minister Flora
赞美Praise                    从亘古到永远
魏丹姊妹Sister Ida
聖餐Communion林前 1 Cor. 11:23-29王保罗牧师Rev. Paul Wang
獻詩 Hymn Offering痛哉!主血倾流魏丹姊妹Sister Ida
為牧師信息祷告Prayer for pastor’s message  葉子Brother Yezi
读经Scriptures reading马太福音Matthew 5:13-20  Sara 姊妹
证道Preaching 《作盐作光》Be the salt and light 王保罗牧师Rev. Paul Wang
回应诗歌Response Hymn从破碎到自由 魏丹姊妹Sister Ida
报告Announcements 高方中传道Minister Flora
奉献祷告Offertory Prayer 区格华姊妹Sister Gehua
主祷文 The Lord’s Prayer 高方中传道Minister Flora
颂赞Praise 高方中传道Minister Flora
祝福Benediction 王保罗牧师Rev. Paul Wang
